Avoid using switch-case statements
Recently I’ve been asked why switch-case statements should be avoided, it turns out to be a pretty common question, and although I’m pretty happy with the re...
Recently I’ve been asked why switch-case statements should be avoided, it turns out to be a pretty common question, and although I’m pretty happy with the re...
I first heard of the term “serverless” in about 2015, probably around the time that the “Serverless Framework” launched, October 2015.
There’s a number of companies that have been pioneering the microservices architectural style, including Amazon, Netflix, The Guardian, the UK Government Dig...
Why does the agile software development exist? What’s it all about? Why do people use it? Who uses it? How do you use it?
Here it is, the long awaited 50+ useful JavaScript tips, tricks and best practices.
“RTBQ! RTBQ!”. This is the phrase that my high school friends shouted at me when I asked them to remind me of the phrase they remember from school. Mr Fletch...
If the idea of deploying code to production makes you nervous, then this one’s for you.
Given a new team or a team restructure, should you baseline? Do all teams point differently? Do the team need to baseline?
Behat is a test framework for behavior-driven development (BDD) written in the PHP programming language.
We’ve come along way, even in the past few years. We’ve seen huge advances in web technology.
In a time where DevOps culture demands “everything as code”, from infrastructure to monitoring, its about time we took “testing as code” seriously.
By now you’ve probably seen this image, with waterfall on the left, and continuous operations on the right, it’s an evolution.
DevOps started out as “Agile Systems Administration”. In 2008, at the Agile Conference in Toronto, Andrew Shafer posted an offer to moderate an ad hoc “Birds...
Back in February 2016, I went to PHP UK Conference. One of the points resonated with me, so I wrote down the following:
The agile manifesto talks about “people over process”. As someone who is often very process-driven, I know that the right process will produce the right resu...
We now live in a time of version control, git and github. If you work in software development you should be familiar with “pull requests”.
If you’ve ever looked into DevOps, you’ve no doubt come across this “evolution” type image, with an ape type figure on the left, labelled “Waterfall” and on ...
I’ve been developing in PHP now for longer than I haven’t.
We know that backlinks are still important to get ranked in Google, but what else can be done to improve our ranking?
In 2017, are links still relevant and important?
There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. – Phil Karlton
Today I want to talk about that “Testing Pyramid”, you know the one, that one, Martin Fowler calls it a “Test Pyramid”.
We all love LAMP (that’s Linux, Apache httpd, MySQL, PHP), but the love affair may be coming to an end.
So what’s the deal with carousels? Why does everyone keep asking for them on their website?
I’ve been meaning to get started with Docker since hearing about it in 2014.
A question raised at a recent Staffs Web Meetup was:
I appreciate that to most people, this is not a new topic and it almost goes without saying, however I can understand that not everybody knows this, espec...
First of all, what is MongoDB? Well if you're already here, you probably know, but if this is the first time you've heard of it, then you may want to know...
The best thing about PHP is it's low level of entry. There's very few hurdles these days to get started.
Before Randles was bought out by the Stoneacre Motor Group I was tasked with the development of a new website.
FuelCMS is described as, simply, a CodeIgniter Content Management System.
Ever since my IRC (Internet Relay Chat) days I'd always wanted to write a TinyURL.com clone, especially since it gained traction on twitter and Facebook. ...
Introducing a new home for my projects.
I’ve now finished rolling out “Phase 2” for the Randles website.
What seems like an age ago now started out with me meeting up with Eric Pemberton to give a few pointers with the online presence for the community run in...
I’ve been quiet for a little while settling into the new job role and tackling some quick fixes as well as dealing with some larger infrastructure challen...
The current Randles website is due an overhaul.
I’ve been running the Suzuki4u website since 2004. It’s now the biggest UK Suzuki forum.
PageRank is dead, long live PageRank.
Back in 2006, Mandi approached me to create her a website for her real estate and property rental business: 3 Shires Property Network.
Over the years I've been asked how to integrate a newsletter into a website quite a few times.
A couple of days ago we launched the new look Randles website. To the untrained eye the site may not look that different. The main purpose for introducing...
Recently a list of “bad words” were made available through Google's new website which asks: “What do you love?” (wdyl.com).
WhoisX is a domain name lookup service, similar to the whois service provided by “domain tools”, but ours was primarily for UK domain names.
An IP address is a unique number which identifies a machine on a network.
Back in 2007, we were developing code for our domain lookup service.
The eggtcl project is a repository of approved TCL scripts for eggdrop that allow you to easily update them as new versions are released.
G. S. Unwin Bodycentre Ltd. website gets a facelift.
I’ve quietly been working on devotedit.com in the background and now it’s ready!
I enjoy branding, especially designing logos. It’s a process that requires various skills and some creativity.
If you're a geek like me or you've just seen Iron Man 2 you'll probably like the idea of having a custom motd display something cool when you login to yo...
After discussing website improvements with the Randles Motor Group marketing manager we decided that the website needed a new navigation menu with simple ...
Back in 2007 I wrote about email addresses on your website and how to avoid putting your email address in plain text.
If you ever need to make big changes to your site, such as moving directory or changing the domain name you'll know that you'll have to make changes to th...
I was after a php function that would get the favicon for a supplied domain, I did attempt to write my own but it proved more complex than I had first ant...
There's loads of ways you can optimize your PHP code, however they are probably NOT the answer to your performance issues.
Today I was having a look on PHP.net and noticed a PHP contest so I decided to submit one of my functions.
Last year an article was written on a blog about how to run PHP on Google App Engine (GAE).
Update: This script is now part of the eggtcl project.
I was trying to find a neat way to grey out some “powered by” logos for a website I'm developing.
This is only a quick message to say that I am now developing the PHP OpenSRS Client project.
Sometimes you need to know the time somewhere else in the world. I find it useful to get my eggdrop to return the time of another timezone…
Yesterday I spent some time investigating Google Wave. A very interesting new product from Google. Not only that but an interesting protocol.
Today I wrote about Oidentd on Wikipedia. Ident as per RFC 1413 is used for a few different services, in particular IRC. A feature of oidentd that my user...
W32Dasm (or Win32DASM) doesn't seem to exist on the map any more, but it's still a very useful programmers tool, especially if you like reverse engineerin...
Yesterday marks the day that I took over the “cssbase” project.
This week i've been tweaking a little site I've started called “ismybrowseruptodate.com“, which is designed to assist people who don't know wh...
Yes, my botnet is pretty lame, but it's also kinda cool. I'm not talking about anything bad though.
Recently I found a bug in Google Translate. It's not damaging, but it is interesting.
If you use Photoshop for any kind of graphic or web design, you'll understand the importance of having an array of fonts to choose from.
Sometimes when you're designing a site you can find yourself wondering how is best to do a certain aspect.
Today I decided to join stackoverflow.com, which requires you to login using OpenID.
Recently I've been writing a lot more PHP based websites and web applications. I've found myself building and rebuilding my own framework, but to no real ...
OpenCart is an open source PHP-based e-commerce online shop website solution. Ideal for new or existing stores to start selling online.
If you don't have the time to make your own icons for your latest product or website, then you need to find some for free.
During the summer of 2007 I decided to purchase a new domain name with a dating theme.
In a presentation entitled “Why I hate Django”, Cal Henderson (head of engineering for Flickr) said, that low version numbers makes him suspic...
Update: Looking for the sss.pl? Try the Simple Sockets Server project page.
In my job I have to manage lots of machines all over the place. Many of them are on windows.
I wasn't going to write about this, but I liked the solution (application) so much I had to shout about it.
I wanted to create a script that would convert a normal IP address to a long IP, just like mIRC Script's $longip alias.
With the on-going abuse to email based systems, we are in need of ways to validate the email addresses we're handling.
After reading an article some time ago entitled “40 Tips for optimizing your php Code” (and some others that are suspiciously similar), I deci...
I wanted to prepare my wordpress powered blog for an influx of traffic from social media sites such as reddit.com or digg.com, in case one of my articles ...
As a web developer my main tool is my text editor, which I use for pretty much EVERYTHING from coding HTML, to PHP to perl. A text editor is an essential ...
One thing wordpress has always lacked is the ability to handle tabular data. This is not because it can't handle it, after all it's only HTML, but the pro...
So you've got a shop, or perhaps a new product range and you want to build a website so you can sell online.
In the world of web development and search engine optimisation you find this topic is frequently discussed, yet often without any reasoning or conclusion....
I need to transfer a bunch of domains from Godaddy (aka Godamnannoying) to TuCows (aka OpenSRS), surly it can't be that difficult? Right?
What is the PHPbase web framework?
I want to create a facebook application, however currently all my production servers run PHP4.
I have been using PHP for a long time now, it's a very flexible language, and is a good platform.
OpensSRS is a domain reseller system offered by Tucows to internet service providers.
First of all you need to choose your weapon:
I use contact forms on many websites, and over the years I have discovered many problems with using them, including hijacking, mail injection, server hack...
Today I looked into social bookmarking.
I spent a long time today searching for a PHP based portal script either for a small community website or an ISP.
For the past few weeks I have been mostly working on eTicket.
I get asked this question time and time again. People seem to believe that the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) will help with their Search Engine Opti...
In 2017, are links still relevant and important?
We need to protect our Children’s future by protecting their freedoms. Your privacy is a human right that is about to be compromised.
The best thing about PHP is it's low level of entry. There's very few hurdles these days to get started.
Introducing a new home for my projects.
I’ve now finished rolling out “Phase 2” for the Randles website.
The advise for any services these days is to change provider every 12 months to get the best deal. Your broadband subscription is no different.
If you have domains with TuCows OpenSRS you may be faced with this error when you try and set custom name servers on your domain through the OpenSRS manag...
Many years back I began investigating anti email spam in the UK as a way to defend against the amount amount of email spam we were receiving to certain em...
Earlier this year someone close and dear to me got in touch about a website they were tempted to purchase from:
The “paperless office“: a concept that dates back to the 1970s (before I was even born) with promises of the “office of the future” where record-handling wou...
PageRank is dead, long live PageRank.
Recently a list of “bad words” were made available through Google's new website which asks: “What do you love?” (wdyl.com).
WhoisX is a domain name lookup service, similar to the whois service provided by “domain tools”, but ours was primarily for UK domain names.
An IP address is a unique number which identifies a machine on a network.
Back in 2007, we were developing code for our domain lookup service.
Ever received one of those domain renewal notices from companies such as “Domain Registry of America” or “Domain Renewal Group” cl...
In light of the recent security breaches of huge websites such as Gawker, Sony and Nintendo I am concerned about an issue that affects us all: Is my password...
If you're a geek like me or you've just seen Iron Man 2 you'll probably like the idea of having a custom motd display something cool when you login to yo...
Back in 2007 I wrote about email addresses on your website and how to avoid putting your email address in plain text.
Recently, like many of you, I've had some trouble getting websites listed on the AOL owned “Open Directory Project” known as Dmoz.
I was after a php function that would get the favicon for a supplied domain, I did attempt to write my own but it proved more complex than I had first ant...
I've recently had some fun installing Trac project management software on CentOS5.
So your favorite site is now displaying the following message:
It may seem obvious how to send your email to multiple email addresses.
We’re ready now…
If you’ve ever received a virus warning from your friends, family or co-workers, you’ll know what I’m talking about. These virus warnings are hoaxes and are ...
Recently one of my clients received the following error in Windows Mail on Windows Vista:
If you’ve ever had a problem with your ISPs DNS name servers then you’ll probably find this very useful.
Yesterday I spent some time investigating Google Wave. A very interesting new product from Google. Not only that but an interesting protocol.
Update: This script is now part of the eggtcl project.
I wrote a little script for an article entitled “Remove OGA Notifier”.
Today I wrote about Oidentd on Wikipedia. Ident as per RFC 1413 is used for a few different services, in particular IRC. A feature of oidentd that my user...
I've been meaning to publish a post about Pingotron for some time now, but now I fear it's already too late.
On Sunday July 19 2009 Hardy announced on the EFnet website that Demon Internet will be delinking efnet.demon.co.uk and hub.uk from the EFnet IRC network ...
This week i've been tweaking a little site I've started called “ismybrowseruptodate.com“, which is designed to assist people who don't know wh...
I started writing this article a long time ago, however after researching the DG834G I soon found many more articles and sites dedicated to hacking or cus...
Recently I found a bug in Google Translate. It's not damaging, but it is interesting.
Trading standards say that consumers are being tricked into buying fake goods online by companies based in China pretending to be based in the UK by using...
The best part of last week I spent trying to resolve an issue for a business who was experiencing downtime with their broadband.
Today I decided to join stackoverflow.com, which requires you to login using OpenID.
Turn dynamic URLs into friendly URLs
Recently Matt Cutts posted an article on his blog about Recording an IRC channel on Linux/Ubuntu.
Back in 2004, I signed up my old site “hm2k.org” to Google AdSense as an attempt to raise funds for my work.
I signed up for Twitter quite some months ago, but have yet really found myself using it.
Today I received the following email from [email protected]…
I'm always looking for new ways to get my hands on mp3s, this is yet another way, thanks to myspace.
In the world of web development and search engine optimisation you find this topic is frequently discussed, yet often without any reasoning or conclusion....
When I was about 16 I hacked my schools website, why? how? Let's find out…
I have a client that is currently on AOL, and has been getting messages every 2nd or 3rd time they logon to AOL that basically claims the following:
People often ask me how to go about getting their website copyrighted, this is my advise…
For those that don't know… mIRC is communication software, otherwise known as an IRC client. IRC (or Internet Relay Chat) to me is a place where peo...
This is a brief guide created to help configure a secure FreeBSD as an IRC shell server.
This is something that people don't seem to realise, and although I tell them over and over it seems to go ignored.
I have been interested in starting my own free email service for some time now.
I love free stuff, it's probably why I like open source so much…
Fax to email is perhaps one of the most interesting, oldest and most overlooked technology.
Quite some time ago I decided that I wanted to offer support via MSN for a business. This is all very well until you want multiple staff to cover the R...
One of the things I enjoy doing while I work is listening to music.
We all love LAMP (that’s Linux, Apache httpd, MySQL, PHP), but the love affair may be coming to an end.
First of all, what is MongoDB? Well if you're already here, you probably know, but if this is the first time you've heard of it, then you may want to know...
The best thing about PHP is it's low level of entry. There's very few hurdles these days to get started.
If you have domains with TuCows OpenSRS you may be faced with this error when you try and set custom name servers on your domain through the OpenSRS manag...
A customer got in touch with us and explained their situation.
Some time ago I wrote about using fastest_cvsup, to find the fastest cvsup mirror server for use with csup on FreeBSD.
It should be easy right? Just “yum install subversion”.
I've recently been having trouble with a OpenVZ VPS upgraded from CentOS4 to CentOS5, here's what I'm seeing when trying to rum a yum install of mod_pytho...
f you received this message when you try and stop the VE…
When a business I know had trouble with their broadband I was fortunately able to get them back online by using the redundant mobile broadband on the rout...
I keep getting this error:
Today I wrote about Oidentd on Wikipedia. Ident as per RFC 1413 is used for a few different services, in particular IRC. A feature of oidentd that my user...
I started writing this article a long time ago, however after researching the DG834G I soon found many more articles and sites dedicated to hacking or cus...
I came across PHPMailer usage the other day on a Chinese gadget wholesale site “SourcingMap.com”.
Recently I got asked to backup a Vista machine. I'm not a big Vista fan, so this was the first time.
Update: Looking for the sss.pl? Try the Simple Sockets Server project page.
In my job I have to manage lots of machines all over the place. Many of them are on windows.
Today a user on one of my web servers asked me why .phps files would only download and not show the highlighted PHP code as expected.
Not so long ago I was asked to answer some questions for a friend of a friend who was writing a dissertation about the “hacking and warez scene̶...
I have a situation where there's two scripts.
I need to transfer a bunch of domains from Godaddy (aka Godamnannoying) to TuCows (aka OpenSRS), surly it can't be that difficult? Right?
When I was about 16 I hacked my schools website, why? how? Let's find out…
People often ask me how their system got infected in the first place, this article attempts to make you aware of where infections come from, in an attempt...
I recently setup a new FreeBSD 6.2 server, only to find the following:
Recently I decided to get away for a break, so I left the country with all intention of not doing anything work related for a week.
Today, I am trying to install a “HP Scanjet 7650n”, everything seems okay, until I come to install the software.
There seems to be limited details of how this is done. It's fairly simple to be honest, but I felt it could save somebody some time if it was documented.
If you run cPanel servers, then you may at some point experience this issue.
This is a question that I get asked very often.
Open your registry and find or create the key below.
For years now, for whatever reason I have used WinZip. I don't really know why I continued to use it for so long as from WinZip 8 onwards, I was under the...
An ISO image usually refers to an archived copy of an optical disc such as a CD or DVD.
First of all for those that don't know, Windows Genuine Advantage or WGA is a peice of software released by Microsoft to validate your copy of windows whe...
Possibly one of the most annoying and confusing issues on windows is dealing with and understanding which codecs you need to do what.
What should I do? Reinstall? NO!
After many years of using Nero, I'm finally fed up with it.
No doubt at some point you will have experienced this error at one point or another:
I have been looking for a good open source or free cross platform (windows/linux) editor that has php and html syntax highlighting.
I have been on the lookout for a decent FTP Deamon/Server that runs on windows. Its not very often that I do require one, but every so often having one do...
I have been looking for a decent FTP client for years, and now I think I have finally found it!
These days I find myself buying all sorts of things off of ebay.
I appreciate that to most people, this is not a new topic and it almost goes without saying, however I can understand that not everybody knows this, espec...
First of all, what is MongoDB? Well if you're already here, you probably know, but if this is the first time you've heard of it, then you may want to know...
The best thing about PHP is it's low level of entry. There's very few hurdles these days to get started.
This is a problem that I come across from time to time.
This is a problem that has plagued me for a while now, and only two things seem to fix it.
As you’re probably aware, Microsoft have reached end of life for Windows XP and have discontinued support for the operating system.
One of the biggest annoyances I’ve heard about Windows 8 so far is that there’s no DVD support included.
Gone of the days of getting a copy of Microsoft Office from dodgy Dave down the pub.
Not so long ago, I had an arsenal of tools for managing windows startup applications.
PDF files are by nature not really designed to be edited by the end user, instead you’re expected to go back to the original source and change that before “p...
The “paperless office“: a concept that dates back to the 1970s (before I was even born) with promises of the “office of the future” where record-handling wou...
Windows 2000 is a pain, especially these days when something goes wrong because none of the information or tools that we used to use are around any more.
One of my customers has specialist database software built on the FileMaker Pro database engine. The unfortunate downside to this is that certain legacy plug...
Today a client reported a problem when they tried to open a PDF document in Internet Explorer.
I get lots of people asking me how to speed up their computer, more often than not, they don’t need to buy a new computer, there are things they can do to sp...
Recently Microsoft have been running a campaign to get rid of their 10-year-old web browser, Internet Explorer 6. This got me thinking…
Some time ago I wrote about using fastest_cvsup, to find the fastest cvsup mirror server for use with csup on FreeBSD.
Software is expensive, sometimes you don’t need to buy it or download it illegally as there’s sometimes an alternative you can get for free!
Here’s 10 reasons why I am using the Google Chrome web browser and why should should too…
Ninite is a very useful tool for making it easy to install software on a computer.
People store their passwords in all sorts of ways from plain text files to Outlook contacts.
If you’ve been sent a file with the extension .docx, .xlsx or .pptx and you don’t have the latest version of Office then you’ll share the frustration that ma...
Microsoft Excel will not open two documents with the same name and instead will display the following error:
I’m always coming across new viruses that haven’t even been added to the latest anti-virus software.
Back in 2007 I briefly wrote about Windows Genuine Advantage Removal.
This week I've mostly been trying to figure out a way to digitalise some of my bank statements to make accountancy and archiving easier.
Got this error today using ROBOCOPY to copy files to a SAMBA share.
W32Dasm (or Win32DASM) doesn't seem to exist on the map any more, but it's still a very useful programmers tool, especially if you like reverse engineerin...
I had a call today about Microsoft OGA (Office Genuine Advantage) Notifier becoming an annoyance for a client.
I've been meaning to publish a post about Pingotron for some time now, but now I fear it's already too late.
There’s lots of ways to prevent a malware (virus or spyware) infection for free, here’s a list:
Today I had a newish Windows Vista machine that had the following error:
If like me you don’t like using Adobe Bridge and instead like to see thumbnail icon previews of your Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop (.ai, .eps and .ps...
Many users, particularly users of BT Yahoo! Broadband (btinternet.com) are having trouble understanding how to get to their BT Yahoo Mail on Windows Vista.
When you click a link on an email in Microsoft Outlook, you are blocked from visiting the URL and you see the following error message:
Recently I’ve received reports from clients on a particular ISP are having trouble reaching services on a particular server in a data centre.
If like me you’ve recently come across a computer where the “C:\Windows\Installer” directory is overloaded then you’ve probably used something like TreeSize ...
If like me you have ever received a PDF files as an attachment in an email, you will no doubt have heard of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
I’ve recently been on the lookout for a security camera.
The “paperless office“: a concept that dates back to the 1970s (before I was even born) with promises of the “office of the future” where record-handling wou...
A client called explaining to me that they were unable to print to their Sharp MX-1800N network printer. Upon inspection it said that the printer was “Offlin...
I get lots of people asking me how to speed up their computer, more often than not, they don’t need to buy a new computer, there are things they can do to sp...
We’ve all been there. You want to network your computers and devices together around your house.
I started writing this article a long time ago, however after researching the DG834G I soon found many more articles and sites dedicated to hacking or cus...
For a long time now, I have most of my allies have remained very much in the Windows and Linux camps, almost to the point of me being anti-Mac. I’m certainly...
I was fixing a machine with the Belkin 802.11g – 125 HSM Wireless G+ USB Adapter.
Those that have one will be very familiar with the BT Home Hub.
Today, I am trying to install a “HP Scanjet 7650n”, everything seems okay, until I come to install the software.
I decided to go all out, and purchase possibly the best media device out there. The Sony Playstation Portable.
I was recently informed that my old laptop, a HP Pavilion ze4111s, (now being used by my girlfriend) that “it doesn't charge”, which then chan...
Despite my problems with purchasing mp4 players in the past I decided to purchase a new one.
I bought this on the 20/08/04 for £179.99, which actually seems quite a lot for such a phone, but it was not bad at the time for a brand new unlocked phon...
Today I had the joy of fixing an Epson Stylus C46 UX printer.
Just before Christmas, I decided I was going to get an MP3 player for my girlfriend as she wanted a new mp3-player, as her 40gb one was too much and now o...
The IT Exchange Ltd. website gets a facelift!
So, It's begun!
We recently had an issue with a US based company who asked us for the following:
If you've not heard of TinySong, you're missing out!
Recently an online radio station I listen to called PlusFM stopped displaying track titles on their stream. This was a pain for quickly displaying the cur...
I've recently launched a tech support job, which combines aspects of my day job with aspects of this blog to form “fixr”.
Recently i've been investigating Xen. In short, Xen is open source virtualisation software that provides you with the ability to split a physical hardware...
The idea was to have the ability to create unlimited subdomains simply by creating an appropreate directory for it in your html root directory.
Analysis of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
I get asked quite often if I know how to get a mobile phone unlocked, so this is my experience…
The thing that has been bothering me recently most of all, even more than online spam and junk mail, are telemarketing calls. I recently had an increase o...
Welcome to the website,
Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to the policy of permitting employees to bring personally owned devices, like your mobile phone to their workplace and us...
After the last Wavemaker board meeting I started writing a letter to the board members. This is the contents of that letter.
Ever received one of those domain renewal notices from companies such as “Domain Registry of America” or “Domain Renewal Group” cl...
I enjoy branding, especially designing logos. It’s a process that requires various skills and some creativity.
I was trying to work out how to estimate how much fuel was costing me per mile at the moment based upon my car's average mpg.
I've been trying to get a quote for a part for a Dell laptop, when I contacted Dell UK, they told me to contact “Upgrade Options”. They offere...
Today I received the following email from [email protected]…
When trying to create a unique company name for your business, I found that there was a three step approach to creating a unique name.
People often ask me how to go about getting their website copyrighted, this is my advise…
This week, for the first time I came into contact with the CryptoLocker trojan. A virus that encrypts all of your documents and holds you to ransom to recove...
It’s always been my opinion that the hard disk is really the crux of your computer because it’s the only mechanical part that affects the speed.
The next “computer” you buy will be a paradigm shift, a change in the way of thinking.
This section explains initiating Remote Assistance via e-mail to a Helpdesk. Home users can also follow this procedure to send a Remote Assistance request vi...
The “paperless office“: a concept that dates back to the 1970s (before I was even born) with promises of the “office of the future” where record-handling wou...
Just recently I’ve read about “computer fault scams” and phone calls from someone claiming to be from Microsoft.
I noticed an unusual email when I checked my Gmail account today.
Recently, like many of you, I've had some trouble getting websites listed on the AOL owned “Open Directory Project” known as Dmoz.
Today I received the following email from [email protected]…
Today, the Dead Useful Project launches “Domain Search”.
Well, it's finally here.
Are you a technology enthusiast? An engineer? Perhaps you’re a creative mind or just like making things?
Are electric cars the future?
For a long time now, I have most of my allies have remained very much in the Windows and Linux camps, almost to the point of me being anti-Mac. I’m certainly...
In 1977, Ken Olson, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation said “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home”.
Every year I have a little punt at predicting the future, just for fun.
To some, this might sound obvious. To others, it might seem unimportant. But I’ve learned firsthand that health should be your number one priority.
Recently, at a meetup, I overheard some software engineers talking about a Blameless Post Mortem (BPM) they had recently conducted. They were laughing and jo...