Extend Blackberry ring time
I have a Blackberry Pearl 8900 on O2, I've had it a while now.
One big gripe I had with it is that the ringer doesn’t last long enough.
By the time I’ve pulled it out of my pocket, taken it out of it’s pocket, and assessed whether I want to answer the call, it’s already too late, especially if I’m in the middle of doing something else.
So, I can’t expect it to be perfect, but surely the ring time can be extended or increased? Here’s the solution…
Enter **61*901*11*xx# in to the phone, where xx is, enter the amount of time you want it to ring before it goes to voicemail.
For example: **61*901*11*30# would mean it would ring for 30 seconds before going on to voicemail.
I’ve no idea what the default was, but I’m sure it’s too low.
Next: Use a ringtone that doesn’t have a silent lead.
Hope this helps!